Three Tiers of Self-Care Methodologies

I have taught a few workshops for busy people who are looking for ways to find a sense of balance. A lot of us are working full-time, while taking care of children and/or aging parents. We tend to put ourselves at the bottom of the priority list, which turns into burnout, fatigue and various negative lifestyle loops.

In this blog, I want to share some strategies for self-care. Self-care is often overlooked, but if you are not fully recharged, you won’t be able to help your loved ones!

Self-care is easier said than done, so I want to break it down a bit to make it more approachable. Because many of us think self-care is something that is expensive or for those who are privileged, I broke them into three different levels.

1. Foundational:

Something that creates a sense of calm that you can do every day, does not cost, and can do in 5-10 minutes.

  • Some of the topics we brainstormed include: take a bath, cuddle with pets, dance, sing, journal, cut and arrange flowers from the backyard, garden, lay down, drink warm water, and more. 

  • Deep breathing is another good anxiety-reduction approach. Slow, deep breathing can assist to reduce our heart rate and soothe our anxieties. It's a basic approach that may be used anywhere and at any time.

  • Talking about our emotions with loved ones may also be really beneficial. It's critical to realize that we don't have to face adversity alone. Seeking comfort and consolation from friends and family can be beneficial.

  • What is YOUR foundational self-care strategy that brings you joy and sense of calmness?

2. Smaller Occasional treats:

Something you’d do monthly or weekly, maybe massage, acupuncture, yoga classes, lunch with girlfriend, etc.

3. Larger Infrequent Treats:

Book something in your calendar for later this year that is bigger and excites you. A nice vacation or a retreat in a tropical paradise where you can simply let go and take care of yourself.

In addition to these strategies, it's also important to seek professional help if needed. There is no shame in asking for help when we need it, and seeking the guidance of a mental health professional can be life-changing. Delegate whatever tasks you can, and make sure you have someone to talk to about your challenges.

If you need help with self-care strategies or sense of burnout, please feel free to chat with me- I may be able to guide you towards the right direction.


Ai ❤️


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