Irritable, unproductive, spacy, tired or drained?

I was talking to a client of mine the other day. She said…

It’s hard for me to get up in the morning. Then when I am working, or even when I am doing something that’s supposed to be ‘fun’ for me, like exercising, I don’t find joy in my activities. I’m tired all the time and it's not like me! I'm also super spaced out- I can’t keep track of my kids’ schedule. The other day, I forgot to pick up a carpool- it was terrible!”

Does this sound familiar?

This is the season a lot of people start to feel burnout. 

It’s been a while since the winter vacation, and summer is still not quite here yet. You’ve been working non-stop for your day job, and/or taking care of your kids or aging parents for several months straight…

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. 

It can lead to a variety of symptoms, including... 

  • fatigue

  • irritability

  • difficulty concentrating

  • feelings of hopelessness 

Burnout can be caused by a number of factors, including...

  • work overload

  • unrealistic expectations

  • lack of support 

It is important to catch the signs of burnout and take care of yourself BEFORE it gets really bad because burnout can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. 

There are a number of things you can do to prevent burnout, including... 

  • Setting realistic expectations:

    When we set unrealistic expectations, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. This can lead to frustration, anger, and even resentment. It is important to be honest with ourselves about what we can and cannot achieve. Setting realistic expectations that are kind to yourself will help us to build our confidence and momentum. 

  • Taking breaks:

    Make sure you take multiple breaks a day. I’ve learned to take a mini nap in the afternoon when I feel really tired. A 15 minute power nap goes a long way- much better than yet another cup of coffee!

  • Delegate!:

    We often burn out when we take on too many tasks. Whatever you can delegate, let others do some of the things that do not bring as much joy for you. This includes part of your work as well as household chores or cooking.

  • Set boundaries by saying ‘no’:

    This means being able to refuse requests or demands that you do not want to or cannot fulfill. It can be difficult to say "no" at first, but it is important to remember that you have the right to say no to anything that you do not want to do.

  • Seek help:

    As a health coach, I help people who are dealing with burnout. I understand the pressure of juggling multiple responsibilities, and we work together to find ways to create more space in their lives. This can have a positive impact on their health and overall well-being. If you are interested, please feel free to book a free 30-minute call with me.

    Also, make a plan for a fun vacation later this year! Having something concrete in your calendar can give you a little boost in your energy.

    Summer is almost here- make some fun plans and let’s get through these busy months!

    Much love,
    Ai ❤️


Get ready for summer! How to take advantage of your spacious months.


Three Tiers of Self-Care Methodologies